Welcome to Romque Rock. The unique space port of original design. Here you will be able to put your bid up for the Smuggler's Guild, or possibly sign up with a Pirate. You can meet other's here and even learn new tasks. As Romque grows so will your experiences. Good luck and don't trust anyone.
Smuggler's Guild
If you'd like to become a member of the Smuggler's guild and are interested in joining. Click the YT-1300. Inside the Smuggler's Guild will be runs offered, and ship modifications. Your persona will be able to hire crew, modify your ship, and make a little money. To sign up e-mail me below.
Storm Squadron: to join the storm squadron click on the x-wing. They are a rebel fighter squadron dedicated to eliminating the empire.
The Bantha Bar a place to talk with the rest of the scum of the galaxy and learn the tricks of the trade. Walk on in and order a drink. Even possibly fly against others in Xwing Vs. Tie Fighter or destroy each other through Rebellion.